Sunday, April 5, 2009


Just watched Tim Geitner on Face the Nation denying (kinda) today's Washington Post story that I alluded to in the previous blog.  So who's lying?  Can Geitner be trusted?  Did the Post get it completely wrong?

For all the talk about transparency there certainly are a lot of unanswered questions swirling around these bailouts.  And yet I'm sure that we know a lot more than the public knew in 1932.  Just because there are soooo many more sources of information.  But still, how can we be sure we aren't being taken for a ride?   This post by Glenn Greenwald is very scary.  What this tells me is trust no one.  By handing the Summers' and the Genslers back the reign of power over the economy is the President succumbing to business as usual?

Make no mistake, I was very pleased that Obama won the Presidency.  I want to trust him.  I want to believe that he will do the right thing no matter who he pisses off.  But it is hard for me not to begin to become disheartened.  I want him to nationalise the banks.  Hell, I want him to nationalise GM.  But I realise that is too bold for him to pull off.  At the least I want him to be one of us.  Not a shill for the corporate oligarchy.  I want him in their face and fighting to restore the middle class before we become the working poor.  Is that too much to ask?

1 comment:

elecpenciljim said...

We are fast becoming the working poor. We soon won't have to visit third world countries because we will be one. I have linked you to my blog so keep on writing brother.