Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Does Bush believe McCain was tortured?

No war crimes were committed against McCain. And the techniques used are, according to the president, tools to extract accurate information. And so the false confessions that McCain was forced to make were, according to the logic of the Bush administration, as accurate as the "intelligence" we have procured from "interrogating" terror suspects.

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Bush admin tries sneaky attack on endangered-species protect

The Bush administration is trying to push through changes to The Endangered Species Act that would be --suprise!--detrimental to endangered species!

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Gingrich Claims Tire Inflation Lines Big Oil's Pockets

Last night on Fox News, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) returned to Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-IL) recent suggestion that Americans inflate their tires properly in order to save energy costs. Seeming to outdo his previous false attacks on this issue, Gingrich claimed that Obama’s idea is actually encouraging Americans to “enrich Big Oil”

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Bush & Cheney's Lawbreaking Enabled Putin to Invade Georgia

Indeed, despite George W. Bush & Dick Cheney's howls of outrage at Russian aggression in Georgia and the disputed province of South Ossetia, the Bush administration set a deep precedent for Moscow's actions -- with its own systematic assault on international law over the past seven years. Now, their condemnations of Russia ring hollow.

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Shock doctrine opens way for oil drilling

Naomi Klein: "Corporations are built to be opportunistic. That's their mission. If there's an opportunity, they must take advantage of it, and it's in the interests of their shareholders, and they shouldn't be sentimental about it. So that's what capitalism is supposed to do: take advantage of opportunities"

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